1:1 Coaching and Consulting

I’m a Nutritionist with a doctorate in sports nutrition, specialising in helping high-performing, physically ambitious individuals and teams optimise their performance, body composition & well-being. From elite athletes to successful entrepreneurs, I’m fueling greatness!

  • 30 + years experience
  • Doctorate in Sports Nutrition
  • MSc in Exercise Science & Health Promotion
  • MSc in Human Nutrition
  • AfN & SENR Registered Nutritionist

I can help fuel your greatness!

I’m an elite/pro athlete: I want to be faster, leaner, stronger & healthier.

You’re a committed and driven athlete, hungry for success and looking to unleash your true potential through the power of performance nutrition.

I’m not a pro athlete, BUT: I want to be leaner, fitter, stronger & healthier.

You take your fitness training very seriously. You need your nutrition and lifestyle to be upgraded to help optimise your performance, body composition and well-being.

Teams, brands & organisations: We need an expert consultant.

You are looking for expert support, and consultancy from a leading specialist in sport and exercise nutrition.

3 different ways I can help you


Fueling Greatness Newsletter

Get my nutrition tips and articles to help optimise your performance, body composition & well-being.


1:1 Coaching and Consulting

From elite athletes to successful entrepreneurs, I’ll help fuel your greatness! Online or in-person.


Fueling Greatness OS

Your nutrition and lifestyle 90-day operating system (digital course) to help you optimise your performance, body composition and well-being.

Selected Testimonials